Saturday, August 27, 2011

Urgent - Your online vote is needed - Herald Sun: 60% have voted YES to gay marriage(25.8.11)

To vote, click on the "Do you support gay marriage?" link below.  Takes less than 30 seconds.

This is urgent friends - the Greens have mustered a counter to the current gay marriage issue - see the  Salt Shakers article below.

We need to act
Salt Shakers

MPs report on marriage 'opinions' + web vote

The media are reporting on the Good News and bad news from yesterday's MPs 'reporting' on constituents opinions re possible changes to the 'Marriage Act. in Federal Parliament.
The Herald Suns heading says "Greens push for same-sex unions fails to win support" (live link)
"Most MPs who took part in the debate said their electorate did not support gay marriage, while just six said that their electorate supported change."
But they decided to have a vote on it so PLEASE VOTE NO
VOTE - Herald Sun  "Do you support gay marriage? (live link)
We are losing badly - I suspect this vote has been hijacked - but we must try to turn it around.
The ABC reports "Of the 30 MPs who took part in the debate, only five said that they would like same sex couples to be allowed to marry, and one other reported community support for a change to the Marriage Act.
But there was significant support for relationships to be legally recognised in some way, perhaps through a system of civil unions."

Action We must repeatedly show MPs and Senators the evidence - COMPROMISE FAILS.

As we reported yesterday - ANY GROUND GIVEN (legal recognition) will reinforce the perception that same-sex relationships are 'natural' and 'normal' AND WILL advance their cause towards marriage.
NO COUNTRY that has given same-sex 'marriage' has ever gone straight to first base - they have 'progressed' through incremental steps to reach their goal.
We must keep showing how ANY compromise WILL eventually lead to defeat.
Same-sex relationships are bad for society, bad for the individual, and VERY bad for children who get caught up in them - either by personally experimenting with such relationships or by being raised two parents of the same gender.
We must try to protect children - not simply placate selfish adults.
Peter Stokes
Executive Officer
Salt Shakers
p: (03) 9800 2855
m: 0413 084 145

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