Friday, August 19, 2011

‘Man+Wife4Life’ petition - last push urgently needed!!!

From ACL, 

please read and respond as a priority matter.God willing, we will preserve marriage as being between a man and wife in Australia.

Steve B

Dear Supporter,
Thank you very much for signing the ‘Man+Wife4Life’ petition. Your support has seen us collect over 40,000 signatures for the campaign to retain in Australian law the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
In this, the final week before the petition is tabled in the Senate, and MPs report on consultations with their constituents on same-sex marriage, I encourage you to urgently make a couple of extra contributions to the campaign.
Please send an email to your local member of parliament in support of marriage.

An MP who supports marriage has alerted us to the fact that GetUp has activated its very large email list to flood MP’s offices with emails from their electorate. This panic action has occurred because they realised “offices have received more pressure from those seeking to block change”. However we cannot allow GetUp to pervert what has been an eight-month consultation by a last minute gasp.
We need your help now if politicians are not to form a false impression that there is a groundswell of mainstream public support for turning the institution of marriage on its head – before MPs report back to the parliament with their constituents’ views on marriage next Wednesday.
You might consider using the following points in your email:
  • The definition of marriage does not unfairly discriminate against same-sex couples because it is simply a reflection of the natural and historical reality that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
  • Marriage has more to do with the welfare of children than the recognition of adult relationships.
  • Every child has the right to the equal love of their mum and their dad.
  • I do not believe that same-sex attracted Australians should be subject to unfair discrimination, but marriage is a unique institution that deserves the protection of government.
  • A large number of Australians hold marriage as sacred and their view ought to be respected.
Please click this link for an easy online form to send your email – don’t forget to also cc the message to the senators in your state/territory.
I strongly encourage you to forward this email to your contacts to encourage others to get involved by sending an email to MPs and signing the petition. If you’re on Facebook – you can easily invite your friends to sign the marriage petition by sending them this link:
Thanks again for signing the petition and for your participation in the campaign.
God bless,
Jim Wallace, AM
Managing Director,
Australian Christian Lobby

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