What does it take for Christian men to change the world around them. Maybe 100 Good Men could be "critical mass" in a locality to bring about godly, lasting change genuinely benefiting society.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Urgent - Your online vote is needed - Herald Sun: 60% have voted YES to gay marriage(25.8.11)
To vote, click on the "Do you support gay marriage?" link below. Takes less than 30 seconds.
This is urgent friends - the Greens have mustered a counter to the current gay marriage issue - see the Salt Shakers article below.
We need to act
MPs report on marriage 'opinions' + web vote
The media are reporting on the Good News and bad news from yesterday's MPs 'reporting' on constituents opinions re possible changes to the 'Marriage Act. in Federal Parliament.
The Herald Suns heading says "Greens push for same-sex unions fails to win support" (live link)
"Most MPs who took part in the debate said their electorate did not support gay marriage, while just six said that their electorate supported change."
But they decided to have a vote on it so PLEASE VOTE NO
We are losing badly - I suspect this vote has been hijacked - but we must try to turn it around.
The ABC reports "Of the 30 MPs who took part in the debate, only five said that they would like same sex couples to be allowed to marry, and one other reported community support for a change to the Marriage Act.
But there was significant support for relationships to be legally recognised in some way, perhaps through a system of civil unions."
But there was significant support for relationships to be legally recognised in some way, perhaps through a system of civil unions."
Action We must repeatedly show MPs and Senators the evidence - COMPROMISE FAILS.
As we reported yesterday - ANY GROUND GIVEN (legal recognition) will reinforce the perception that same-sex relationships are 'natural' and 'normal' AND WILL advance their cause towards marriage.
NO COUNTRY that has given same-sex 'marriage' has ever gone straight to first base - they have 'progressed' through incremental steps to reach their goal.
We must keep showing how ANY compromise WILL eventually lead to defeat.
Same-sex relationships are bad for society, bad for the individual, and VERY bad for children who get caught up in them - either by personally experimenting with such relationships or by being raised two parents of the same gender.
We must try to protect children - not simply placate selfish adults.
Peter Stokes
Executive Officer
Salt Shakers
p: (03) 9800 2855
m: 0413 084 145
w: www.saltshakers.org.au
Executive Officer
Salt Shakers
p: (03) 9800 2855
m: 0413 084 145
w: www.saltshakers.org.au
"Katter is a loose cannon" says banker
I was talking to a local banker a few days ago, and as we talked about the nation, he stated that Bob Katter is a "loose cannon" and he thinks he is detrimental to Australian politics.
I quietly asked him if he had gained this opinion from the media, or if he had actually actually looked at Katter's Australian Party web site, in particular the Issues Page. He said "no". I challenged him to consider the issues raised on this page.
I challenge you also dear reader. Please do not just listen to the short snippets carefully extracted from long conversations and placed in another context by media with a barrow to push. If you want to be a thinking person, intelligent enough to form your own opinion, please look at the issues on the web site.
People have very short memories. Don't you remember when the numbers were tight between Liberal and Labor last federal election, that Bob looked like a sane man with some good things to say? That was certainly the way the media portrayed him then. Nothing has changed with Bob. The media has just changed its stance because of the barrow it is pushing for its masters.
You may find Bob Katter is not the lunatic the media has started to paint him as. Please, look; think for yourself. Feel free to comment AFTER you have looked :)
Steve B
ps. I am not trying to tell you to support Bob. I am merely trying to stop demonisation of a man with a conscience. If you are a Christian, look and think, line up the issues against your core beliefs.
I quietly asked him if he had gained this opinion from the media, or if he had actually actually looked at Katter's Australian Party web site, in particular the Issues Page. He said "no". I challenged him to consider the issues raised on this page.
I challenge you also dear reader. Please do not just listen to the short snippets carefully extracted from long conversations and placed in another context by media with a barrow to push. If you want to be a thinking person, intelligent enough to form your own opinion, please look at the issues on the web site.
People have very short memories. Don't you remember when the numbers were tight between Liberal and Labor last federal election, that Bob looked like a sane man with some good things to say? That was certainly the way the media portrayed him then. Nothing has changed with Bob. The media has just changed its stance because of the barrow it is pushing for its masters.
You may find Bob Katter is not the lunatic the media has started to paint him as. Please, look; think for yourself. Feel free to comment AFTER you have looked :)
Steve B
ps. I am not trying to tell you to support Bob. I am merely trying to stop demonisation of a man with a conscience. If you are a Christian, look and think, line up the issues against your core beliefs.
Bob Katter,
Katter's Australian Party,
Friday, August 26, 2011
ACL Marriage Petition: Thankyou and status from Jim Wallace
Dear Steve,
It's been a busy week at the office finalising the petition that you signed. I wanted to personally thank you for making a stand. However, it's important to realise that the agenda for same-sex marriage isn't over and this is just round one.
I have recorded a short video message for you, which you can view by clicking the image below.
An important message from Jim Wallace - click here to view
God bless,
Jim Wallace, AM
Managing Director,
Australian Christian Lobby
It's been a busy week at the office finalising the petition that you signed. I wanted to personally thank you for making a stand. However, it's important to realise that the agenda for same-sex marriage isn't over and this is just round one.
I have recorded a short video message for you, which you can view by clicking the image below.
An important message from Jim Wallace - click here to view
God bless,
Jim Wallace, AM
Managing Director,
Australian Christian Lobby
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
52,000 Australians sign Senate marriage petition
Posted by Katherine Spackman, PR Officer on August 24th, 2011

ACL's MD Jim Wallace hands the petition to Senator Ron Boswell and Senator Helen Polley
52,000 Australians sign Senate marriage petition
In an extraordinary display of concern for the institution of marriage, more than 52,000 people, mainly from the Christian constituency across Australia, have signed a Senate petition to keep the current definition of marriage between a man and a woman, the Australian Christian Lobby’s Managing Director Jim Wallace said.The campaign, man+wife4life on www.makeastand.org.au, will be the largest petition to be tabled in Senate in the life of the 43rd parliament.
As well as the petition, more than 20,000 people came to the website to send emails to politicians about the importance of marriage remaining between a man and a woman.
“This depth of support shows that Australians believe marriage between a man and a woman is important for the social makeup of society,” Mr Wallace said.
“Imagine this level of response multiplied across other faiths, which also support marriage between a man and a woman.
“Many people are concerned that children should be given the opportunity to be raised by a mother and father, where possible, and revising the marriage definition would remove that ideal.
“This petition shows that there is strong support amongst Christians for marriage to remain the same and debunks any poll suggesting otherwise,” he said.
ACL has previously dismissed a Galaxy Poll, commissioned by the Australian Marriage Equality, claiming 53 per cent of Christians supported gay marriage.
“Asking people what religion they belong in the poll is different than going to the Christian constituency directly, which we have done in the petition,” he said.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Dear friends,
This is really serious now. Christians can't just stand by and let our nation slide into this abomination. Let's show our support for the kind of marriage YHWH sets out in the Holy Bible.
PLEASE read and vote.
Steve B
Just received Sat night. Forwarded urgently by Dr Joan
We received this email today from Jim Wallace, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby. We felt that it was important enough to send one to you to take action and pray about.
Dear Pastors,
I know that I pester you a lot on this issue of marriage, but it has reached another critical stage where it could be lost.
Until yesterday we were winning this politically, despite the media campaign, because we had won the battle of emails, letters and visits to local MPs and I thank you for your part in that. But GetUp, publicly stating it realised this, started a campaign that is generating a last minute flurry of letters, with one MP on our side registering 40 per day and saying it will be lost unless we act urgently. These are his words:
Just letting you know we are getting swamped with emails from the electorate in SUPPORT of gay marriage through a GetUp! e-mail campaign.
Since 5pm yesterday, I have had more than 40 emails in support of gay marriage and they keep coming through.
At this rate, by the time I give my speech next week, I will have almost more people tagged in support of gay marriage than not on my constituent management system which makes the case that harder to prosecute because it appears your electorate is for it.
I know that your troops are sending theirs in but can I say they are coming in at a snail's rate compared to the opposing camp.
Sorry to be a nuisance on this but I am firm on this and I can only wonder about some of my colleagues who are waverers and what they are thinking getting this massive reaction.
It is crucial that we respond to his call to action, as the Greens have manufactured all parliamentarians reporting back to the Parliament next week on the consultations they have been having and in addition to this effort, a poll has been manufactured that says that most Christians support gay marriage, which we all know is not true of those who actually are practising believers.
I don’t like to sound doomsdayish, but I know we have the numbers in the churches this Sunday to turn this around, but without a huge commitment this weekend I can see us loosing it which would be a disaster when politically we had been winning it.
If we care about marriage we must act to turn this around. Could I ask that your churches be exhorted to respond to this and to go to the www.makeastand.org.au website and access the campaign 'Man+Wife4Life' and send an email to their politician. This is made very easy to do there and they should also sign the petition at the same time as it will be tabled next Wednesday and it is once again important that it can at least match anything thrown up by the other side.
Clearly the time imperative here, (emails must be sent by end work next Monday) means we must have our churches send this out on their email lists or we will not act in time.
Clearly we also need to activate our prayer groups and chains on this.
Thank you and God bless,
Managing Director
This is really serious now. Christians can't just stand by and let our nation slide into this abomination. Let's show our support for the kind of marriage YHWH sets out in the Holy Bible.
PLEASE read and vote.
Steve B
From: Joan Anderson <joanruthand@hotmail.com>
Date: 20 August 2011 20:58:43 AEST
To: John and Denise Hargreaves <john@hida.com.au>
Subject: FW: VERY URGENT HELP Marriage
Just received Sat night. Forwarded urgently by Dr Joan
Hi All,
I may have already sent you something regarding this but if you have not yet done so PLEASE urgently respond.
This is an urgent, urgent, urgent matter concerning Marriage as we know and understand it and which requires attention by close of business this Monday.
Please have a read through Jim Wallace's email and please act as he asks.
We received this email today from Jim Wallace, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby. We felt that it was important enough to send one to you to take action and pray about.
Dear Pastors,
I know that I pester you a lot on this issue of marriage, but it has reached another critical stage where it could be lost.
Until yesterday we were winning this politically, despite the media campaign, because we had won the battle of emails, letters and visits to local MPs and I thank you for your part in that. But GetUp, publicly stating it realised this, started a campaign that is generating a last minute flurry of letters, with one MP on our side registering 40 per day and saying it will be lost unless we act urgently. These are his words:
Just letting you know we are getting swamped with emails from the electorate in SUPPORT of gay marriage through a GetUp! e-mail campaign.
Since 5pm yesterday, I have had more than 40 emails in support of gay marriage and they keep coming through.
At this rate, by the time I give my speech next week, I will have almost more people tagged in support of gay marriage than not on my constituent management system which makes the case that harder to prosecute because it appears your electorate is for it.
I know that your troops are sending theirs in but can I say they are coming in at a snail's rate compared to the opposing camp.
Sorry to be a nuisance on this but I am firm on this and I can only wonder about some of my colleagues who are waverers and what they are thinking getting this massive reaction.
It is crucial that we respond to his call to action, as the Greens have manufactured all parliamentarians reporting back to the Parliament next week on the consultations they have been having and in addition to this effort, a poll has been manufactured that says that most Christians support gay marriage, which we all know is not true of those who actually are practising believers.
I don’t like to sound doomsdayish, but I know we have the numbers in the churches this Sunday to turn this around, but without a huge commitment this weekend I can see us loosing it which would be a disaster when politically we had been winning it.
If we care about marriage we must act to turn this around. Could I ask that your churches be exhorted to respond to this and to go to the www.makeastand.org.au website and access the campaign 'Man+Wife4Life' and send an email to their politician. This is made very easy to do there and they should also sign the petition at the same time as it will be tabled next Wednesday and it is once again important that it can at least match anything thrown up by the other side.
Clearly the time imperative here, (emails must be sent by end work next Monday) means we must have our churches send this out on their email lists or we will not act in time.
Clearly we also need to activate our prayer groups and chains on this.
Thank you and God bless,
Managing Director
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Non-Mythical Adam and Eve!
For info on The Non-Mythical Adam and Eve, see http://creation.com/historical-adam-biologos
Adam and Eve,
creation science,
Friday, August 19, 2011
‘Man+Wife4Life’ petition - last push urgently needed!!!
From ACL,
please read and respond as a priority matter.God willing, we will preserve marriage as being between a man and wife in Australia.
Steve B
Dear Supporter,
please read and respond as a priority matter.God willing, we will preserve marriage as being between a man and wife in Australia.
Steve B
Dear Supporter,
Thank you very much for signing the ‘Man+Wife4Life’ petition. Your support has seen us collect over 40,000 signatures for the campaign to retain in Australian law the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
In this, the final week before the petition is tabled in the Senate, and MPs report on consultations with their constituents on same-sex marriage, I encourage you to urgently make a couple of extra contributions to the campaign.
Please send an email to your local member of parliament in support of marriage.
An MP who supports marriage has alerted us to the fact that GetUp has activated its very large email list to flood MP’s offices with emails from their electorate. This panic action has occurred because they realised “offices have received more pressure from those seeking to block change”. However we cannot allow GetUp to pervert what has been an eight-month consultation by a last minute gasp.
An MP who supports marriage has alerted us to the fact that GetUp has activated its very large email list to flood MP’s offices with emails from their electorate. This panic action has occurred because they realised “offices have received more pressure from those seeking to block change”. However we cannot allow GetUp to pervert what has been an eight-month consultation by a last minute gasp.
We need your help now if politicians are not to form a false impression that there is a groundswell of mainstream public support for turning the institution of marriage on its head – before MPs report back to the parliament with their constituents’ views on marriage next Wednesday.
You might consider using the following points in your email:
- The definition of marriage does not unfairly discriminate against same-sex couples because it is simply a reflection of the natural and historical reality that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
- Marriage has more to do with the welfare of children than the recognition of adult relationships.
- Every child has the right to the equal love of their mum and their dad.
- I do not believe that same-sex attracted Australians should be subject to unfair discrimination, but marriage is a unique institution that deserves the protection of government.
- A large number of Australians hold marriage as sacred and their view ought to be respected.
Please click this link for an easy online form to send your email – don’t forget to also cc the message to the senators in your state/territory.
I strongly encourage you to forward this email to your contacts to encourage others to get involved by sending an email to MPs and signing the petition. If you’re on Facebook – you can easily invite your friends to sign the marriage petition by sending them this link:
http://www.facebook.com/event. php?eid=223067914408339
I strongly encourage you to forward this email to your contacts to encourage others to get involved by sending an email to MPs and signing the petition. If you’re on Facebook – you can easily invite your friends to sign the marriage petition by sending them this link:
Thanks again for signing the petition and for your participation in the campaign.
God bless,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Polls we can vote in to make a difference...
Yahoo are running a poll on whether or not you believe in legal euthanasia: http://au.news.yahoo.com/ polls/popup/-/poll_id/ 0d3adea6-4394-372a-848b- d9fc04db071f
What a difference a few good men could make
It's sad, the state of the church. There is little sense of community, as evidenced by the rapid drift from one church to another of many church goers. They are looking for something, but not finding it. Could it be that entertainment doesn't satisfy?
This week has been an interesting one, as I have seen something good outside the church, and something lacking within. I state it this way because it has to do with community.
Let me give the 'good news' first. Last night I was at a facility in inner suburban Brisbane, attending an induction night for volunteers working with refugees. After our trip to Ethiopia, I have yet more of a heart for the dispossessed (not to mention being homeless ourselves for some months!). I saw some men assembling out on the back veranda as we had our meeting, and assumed it was the new mens' group they have just started. I inquired after our meeting and was told "It's a community meeting. The men meet together to discuss issues within an ethnic community". There was obviously a sense of cohesiveness and care in the group as they met to discuss issues that were affecting the community as a whole, and individual families or couples in the community. I said to the person I was talking to that it was something we in the west has lost, perhaps with industrialisation. It reminded me of the elders in the ancient Hebrew culture, and at the time of Christ. Something good.
The scenario that was lacking this week demonstrated exactly the opposite in terms of community, and unfortunately occurred within the church. A rebellious teenager had left home, and eventually gone to a friends home to live, taken in by the friend's parents. These well-meaning people took the boy in to try and help. Sadly, they did not confer with his parents, and were given the boy's perspective on recent history without the parents being consulted at all for their perspective. The problems I see with this are several:
We need to remember that marriage is a type of Christ and His church. We need to remember that family is close to His heart. We need to be cognisant that He is always watching, and hoping we will follow the commands and exhortations found in his word.
Australia is in some ways further from godly culture than some other nations. There is much to be learned from the bible, and a good knowledge of Hebrew culture can help. It is sad that the culture of a Moslem nation to my mind shows itself superior to that of our Christian culture in Australia. Our people perish (are confused and in disarray) for lack of knowledge. I hope and pray that next time something like this happens, we will see the Christians acting more as a body of elders with understanding and consultation and as Christ would have them.
This week has been an interesting one, as I have seen something good outside the church, and something lacking within. I state it this way because it has to do with community.
Let me give the 'good news' first. Last night I was at a facility in inner suburban Brisbane, attending an induction night for volunteers working with refugees. After our trip to Ethiopia, I have yet more of a heart for the dispossessed (not to mention being homeless ourselves for some months!). I saw some men assembling out on the back veranda as we had our meeting, and assumed it was the new mens' group they have just started. I inquired after our meeting and was told "It's a community meeting. The men meet together to discuss issues within an ethnic community". There was obviously a sense of cohesiveness and care in the group as they met to discuss issues that were affecting the community as a whole, and individual families or couples in the community. I said to the person I was talking to that it was something we in the west has lost, perhaps with industrialisation. It reminded me of the elders in the ancient Hebrew culture, and at the time of Christ. Something good.
The scenario that was lacking this week demonstrated exactly the opposite in terms of community, and unfortunately occurred within the church. A rebellious teenager had left home, and eventually gone to a friends home to live, taken in by the friend's parents. These well-meaning people took the boy in to try and help. Sadly, they did not confer with his parents, and were given the boy's perspective on recent history without the parents being consulted at all for their perspective. The problems I see with this are several:
- There was no honouring of the parents by the other parents. Both were of good standing in the local Christian community, and the parents deserved the right to give an account as they saw fit; for the benefit of themselves and their son.
- The lack of consultation has caused difficulty for the boy's parents, as the rebellious boy is being taken round by this family now, happy to be rid of his parents and having an easier ride (even if it is probably temporary)
- The approach taken will not help the boy in gaining maturity, but rather will probably reinforce that rebellion pays; and that he can have his way by bucking the system.
- The cohesiveness of the local Christian community has been broken, as the actions taken have divided both children/teenagers and parents.
We need to remember that marriage is a type of Christ and His church. We need to remember that family is close to His heart. We need to be cognisant that He is always watching, and hoping we will follow the commands and exhortations found in his word.
Australia is in some ways further from godly culture than some other nations. There is much to be learned from the bible, and a good knowledge of Hebrew culture can help. It is sad that the culture of a Moslem nation to my mind shows itself superior to that of our Christian culture in Australia. Our people perish (are confused and in disarray) for lack of knowledge. I hope and pray that next time something like this happens, we will see the Christians acting more as a body of elders with understanding and consultation and as Christ would have them.
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