Monday, October 31, 2011

Lawful Rebellion?

I was just reading the other day how Jesus confronted injustice in the form of a religious puppet government under Rome in Israel, and how he healed people in situations that got right in their face, and then rode into Jerusalem with crowds supporting him, forcing the authorities hand to acknowledge his divinity and reform society OR get rid of him. The rest is history. Their sin was condemned in his innocent death on the cross, by which we have life.

Looking at what is going on in the world at the moment with an immoral globalist cabal effectively ruling nations with increasing use of puppet governments, I have often wondered when someone would stand up against it. Hearing of this may be problematic with a mostly NWO controlled press mind you, but despite some large demonstrations going unreported in the mainstream media the past few years, mass strikes have now got to a stage where we are hearing of them. One flavour is the Occupy movement.

It seems to me that Occupy has at its genesis an understanding of common law issues and human rights. I have spoken to a Brisbane organiser, who was just a good bloke, and did not have some of the solid background some others seem to, so not everyone is fully informed of the absolute rights this movement is based on. It will however be interesting to see where it goes. Spain, in particular has incredible numbers involved.

One recent addition to visible dissent is, which is non-political web site based on a movement that has been going for a while. At first glance, it has some interesting info, for example 'Acts and Charters' which form the basis of British Law. These help this group counter the corporatised entities that are draining the average man of wealth and freedom. This is what essentially prompted this email. I'm going to read some of this stuff. Have a read if you are interested. If you find it interesting, have a look at one of my other blogs, Watching The New World Take Order.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Siev-X Art Exhibition

Siev-X was a boat that went down with many women and child refugees drowned some 10 years ago. An exhibition in the State Library, Brisbane commemorates this tragedy. Click on the photo to see my Picasa Web Album of this exhibition.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The toll rises: Christians need to find their voice.

The toll rises: Christians need to find their voice.
As Christians, we need to stand up for the widow, the orphan, the displaced, the refugee. We have embraced those affected by floods in our own land, but there are people in Pakistan and Solomon Islands (just two places from personal knowledge) living in tents after floods or tsunami. We also have refugees on our doorstep who need our care, and they are suffering mental anguish and breakdown in sub-human mandatory detention centres. The following from Ian Rintoul of the Refugee Action Coalition in Australia highlights the severity of the situation. I believe Christ would have us do something to at least advocate for these people by lobbying our local members.

Steve B.


Two serious self harm/suicide attempts in one day have rocked the
Darwin detention centre.

On Monday, 17 October, two Kurdish asylum seekers both in their early
20s attempted suicide in the space of five hours, between 12.30 and
5.00pm. Both are believed to be have been in detention around 20
months. Both are believed to have been rejected and are now waiting
for a Federal Magistrates Court hearing.

The two incidents follow another hanging attempt only three days ago.
The welfare of the two men is not known. But asylum seekers inside the
detention had grave fears for both the men, one of whom was rushed to
hospital with severe bleeding.

“It is only a matter of time before there is a catastrophe in the
Darwin detention centre,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the
Refugee Action Coalition, “Only a week ago there were another three
incidents and that is only what we know about.

“The despair in the Darwin detention centre has turned toxic. There is
no duty of care – only damage control. Serco and the immigration
department are incapable of providing a safe environment for anyone.
Asylum seekers are finding it impossible to cope with an environment
in which self-harm and attempted suicide is a daily occurrence.

“The Minister has admitted that he has the power to use bridging visas
to get asylum seekers out of detention. There is no excuse for waiting
any longer. Darwin is desperate for a solution.

“Mandatory detention is not a deterrent. It is a form of systematic
abuse. Refugee advocates have been calling for human rights observers
to be placed in the detention centres for months. The need for some
independent oversight is obvious and even more obvious, is the need to
close the hell-holes.”

For more information contact Refugee Action Coalition, Ian Rintoul 0417 275 713